Butte Baby Steps, a program of Northern Valley Catholic Social Service, in collaboration with Butte County’s Children and Families Commission (First Five) and Public Health, will be hosting a FREE community baby shower for all pregnant and new mothers in Butte County. The event will be held at the Dorothy Johnson Center at 755 E. 16th Street, in Chico from 1-3 pm on November 12th.
Highlights of the Baby Shower include showcasing over 20 community providers, offering resources and information for having a healthy pregnancy and raising healthy children. The “First 5 Express” will also be in attendance, offering a multitude of activities designed to stimulate early brain development and offer parents new ideas to inspire early learning and positive behaviors at home. Other highlights include a cooking demonstration on how to make homemade baby food by CSU Chico’s SNAP ED program and a complementary photo shoot designed to capture your growing baby bump or newborn’s first smile.
Mother’s Strong will be offering breakout sessions, where they will discuss the myths of motherhood and strategies for moms connecting with other moms. There will be additional prizes for moms that attend the breakout sessions! There will also be snacks and refreshments, as well as numerous free giveaways.
This event will be fun for the whole family. Transportation to and from the event may be available. Call for more details. 876-0928.